Plant-based solutions, using proprietary technologies. 

With application in the replacement of antibiotics, growth promotion, and ammonia reduction.


Poultry production faces several challenges in order to become more sustainable, without compromising efficiency. Among the most devastating diseases in poultry are coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis, which alone cause losses of more than USD 3 billion annually worldwide. The use of antibiotics in poultry products has created drug-resistant superbugs, a mayor biosecurity problem that urgently needs to be addressed by the industry.

We have developed a toolbox of natural ingredients based on Quillaja saponaria, which has been demonstrated to be extremely efficient in fighting these two mayor diseases. Our natural ingredients have been scientifically tested at different research centres around the world, showing exceptional results in layers and broilers.


Poultry production faces several challenges in order to become more sustainable, without compromising efficiency. 


The use of antibiotics in swine production has created drug-resistant superbugs, a major biosecurity problem that urgently needs to be addressed by the industry


The extensive use of antibiotics challenges the industry to find new sustainable solutions to boost performance.


Different scientific studies show that our ingredients provide sustainable solutions for odour control, feces consistency and gut health for the pet food industry.


Swine production is highly dependant on the use of antibiotics to be efficient. Coccidiosis is one of the most prevalent diseases, especially in piglets, decreasing production parameters and weakening performance. The use of antibiotics in swine production has created drug-resistant superbugs, a major biosecurity problem that urgently needs to be addressed by the industry.

We have developed a toolbox consisting of natural ingredients based on Quillaja saponaria, which helps replace antibiotics and synthetic growth promoters while at the same time maintaining production efficiency.


Aquaculture production has experienced a lot of growth during the last decade. This means that different alternatives of production are needed to keep this growth organic and sustainable. The extensive use of antibiotics challenges the industry to find new sustainable solutions to boost performance.

We have developed an environmentally friendly science-based solution that replaces antibiotics in aquaculture, while at the same time enhancing productive parameters.


Pets are a valuable member of families. However, undesirable aromas of feces are a big concern.

We have developed a natural solution based on triterpenic saponins. This reduces gases that contribute to undesirable emissions and helps to produce more consistent feces. Our ingredients also enhance beneficial intestinal microflora, improving digestion and gut health.

Different scientific studies show that our ingredients provide sustainable solutions for odour control, feces consistency and gut health for the pet food industry.

be part of our journey

We combine technology with active compounds from nature to replace antibiotics and pesticides in the world’s food production.

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+569 5712 0988

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Av. El Ventisquero 1111, Oficina 48.


Santa Victoria Lote B. Sector Los Riscos de Duqueco. Los Ángeles.

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